Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Early Childhood Curriculum Planning Essay examples
This paper will examine the planning and purpose of curriculum in the early childhood classroom. Discussed will be the definition of an integrated curriculum, and the connection between curriculum and development in the pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten student. The core content areas of childhood development will be outlined and defined and developmental support provided to all areas of content will be examined. Some of the reasons for maintaining a curriculum plan, as well as connections between assessment and curriculum will be addressed. Curriculum planning will be shown to be one of the most important tools in an early childhood educatorââ¬â¢s skillset. Curriculum is defined as having a plan that is organized to implement and complete aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Emotional development can be increased within pretend play area of the classroom, as children play games where they ââ¬Å"becomeâ⬠another person (a Mommy or Daddy) and work out for themselves how things work in the world around them. Certainly it is easy to see how each area of development enhances and compliments the other. To that end, it is important to note that while some of the areas of instruction focus sharply upon one area, most encompass learning in several areas concurrently. Dance, for example, can be used an example of social, physical and emotional growth, while a game using math as the primary focus (intelligence) also accommodates aspects of cognitive growth (problem solving, etc.) (North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, 2004). Integrated curriculum is a written plan for instruction that includes a combination of several aspects of learning and developmental growth. The general idea of the integrated curriculum is that contextual connections must be made in order that the child can make sense of a lesson. A child who is learning his letters, for example, will make more sense of the lesson if he can place the letters in context, i.e. ââ¬Å"My name is Connor, Connor starts with C. C says ââ¬ËKuhââ¬â¢. Cat starts with C. C says ââ¬ËKuhââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ . (Dodge, Colker, Heroman, 2008). A daily, weekly or monthly theme is established for a block of time, and most activities within that block of time willShow MoreRelatedDeveloping A Safe And Healthy Environment1471 Words à |à 6 Pageschild (Early Learning for, 2007, p. 3). In November 2004, the Ontario administration created a great plan called the ââ¬Å"Early Learning for Every Child Todayâ⬠(ELECT). By launching this plan, Ontario fulfilled it s dream. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Media As A System Of Racialization Exploring Images...
Article 37- ââ¬Å"The Media as a System of Racialization: Exploring Images of African American Women and the New Racismâ⬠In article 37, the author Marci points out an issue that women still face today. She discusses a new form of racism using media. She examines the progression of the ââ¬Å"Jezebelâ⬠image. Popular media suggests that equality has been reached but in my opinion this is far from the truth. The problem remains at a deeper level that even some people might still not find a problem with the way that media portrays women of color. The issue is not just about an abundance of negative images that portray these women but the lack of positive ones as well. The media work both ways: either for good and bad. The media has the ability and the power to change the perspective of millions of viewers in a quick second. It is really up to us to internalize the material or the content that is shown in the media in a positive or negative manner. The link between the cause and effect of media is simply our ability to choose the message that we decide to retain. In addition, our choice to take action towards the media significantly says a lot of our own character. We live in a society where women in general are seen simply as sexual objects especially in music videos. Media teaches men to objectify women because they glorify them for their appearance and not for their brain. It would be a different story if men were used as sexual objects and only then will music videos would not beShow MoreRelatedEverything That Glitters Is Not Gold Essay1928 Words à |à 8 Pagesdifferent races. Reality television is a popular form of media that continues to m anipulate societyââ¬â¢s vision of social groups. As popular media sources expand, we see an increased growth of the strengthening of racial prejudices and stereotypes. Black women have had little representation in major media sources until recent years. Love Hip-Hop is one of the few shows that tries to capture the daily life of everyday African American women for entertainment purposes. Despite its surface level benefitsRead MoreThe Historical Progression of African Americans4523 Words à |à 19 PagesProgression of African Americans Jeff Brown HIS 204: American History Since 1865 Prof Carl Garrigus May 16, 2010 The Historical Progression of African Americans America in 1857 was a ââ¬Å"Nation on the Brink.â⬠Relationships between the Northern and Southern states had been strained for decades. During the 1850 s, the situation exploded. The Compromise of 1850 served as a clear warning that the slavery issueââ¬ârelatively dormant since the Missouri Compromise of 1820ââ¬âhad returned. African Americans
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Comparison of the Poems Being
Comparison of the Poems Being-in-love by Roger McGough and Funeral Blues by W H Auden Essay The poems Being-in-love and Funeral Blues are poems written about the same topic, love, But at different stages of love. An inexperienced poet who struggles to follow the conventions of a classic poetry writes Being-in-love. While the other, Funeral Blues is written by an experienced, more mature poet who knows that poems do not have to have a rhyming pattern and the poet makes the poem seem as though it took hardly any effort to write because it is an effortless poem. The poem Being-in-love by Roger McGough is written about how it feels to be in love, for the first time. We will write a custom essay on Comparison of the Poems Being-in-love by Roger McGough and Funeral Blues by W H Auden specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now A young male writes the poem. One we can tell this by the way he describes who he is in love with you are so very beautiful, an opening clichi. The love the narrator feels is unrequited love, and the poem conveys how he feels about this from the wistful statement wish you were as well, we get an image of a sigh from the narrator, particularly as there is no final full stop, which leaves the reader in suspense. The second poem, Funeral Blues by W. H. Auden, is also about love. The love the narrator writes about is mature love; love that is deep but for someone who has recently died. We can see from this poem that the narrator is deeply upset about his loss, he expresses his loss in images, for example stop all the clocks, where the narrator call for a reverent silence, as if time now stands still without the lover to give meaning to the day. The poems are similar in the way that they are both about love, and the speakers are both alone. They are experiencing unattainable love. The first poem is written about a first love and how the poet has been cast off because although he is in love, the girl doesnt love him back, Wish you were as well. The second poem is written about a loss of a loved one. This love is clearly not a first love, but a love, which is based on years of a steady relationship. The poems also use different vocabulary, the first uses colloquial you are so very, the second poem uses emotive vocabulary too express the subjects melancholy the stars are not wanted now: put out every one. Although Being-in-love is written as though a young boy was writing it, it is structured. The poem also seems like a poem, because it has a steady beat and a regular form. Roger McGough is restating old clichi s, about the beauty of his loved one, but expressing them in a new modern way. The poet avoids stating I love you instead he writes about how much he admires his love and he describes some of the things he cannot help admiring. Roger McGough also keeps to the schoolboy writing the poem, by making the poem have words, which have been invented by the boy, sadnessful. The reason for this is because the speaker is struggling to find rhymes and so he is forced to invent new words. It also shows that the speaker was striving to make a poem, and he thought that all poems needed to have a rhyming pattern in them. From the lack of punctuation, it seems as though the speaker has no real education, but by trying to make his poem rhyme, we can see that the poet has tried to emulate a love poem that he has read. We the reader, feel sorry for the speaker because he has no real concept of poems or how they are supposed to be written and we feel touched at how much effort the speaker has put into his poem and in trying to make it rhyme. Funeral Blues is also structured, but in a different way. .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 , .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .postImageUrl , .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 , .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17:hover , .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17:visited , .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17:active { border:0!important; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17:active , .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17 .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u62944aceea99abdc7caf2b4d95d39f17:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Compare and Contrast To His Coy Mistress by Andrew Marvell and Sonnet 116 by William Shakespeare EssayThe poem starts inside a room and the subject wanting to stop all the clocks so as to stop the ticking and make the clock silent as everything else in the room was. He then spreads out and starts talking about aeroplanes scribbling in the sky which gives an image of outside. The poet finishes by going on to describe his feelings with things in the universe, pack up the moon and dismantle the sun. The poem moves from inside to outside with the poet becoming more open abut his recent loss. He starts out with wanting to silence everything from dogs to telephones, and we get an image of someone sitting alone in a quietened house. As the poem goes on he wants everyone to know about his lovers death by scribbling it in the sky. There is only one stanza that does not follow the pattern of expanding. This is the third stanza and is like an outbreak of grief from the speaker. He is no longer able to contain his grief, which he has held in the first two stanzas. This is a more personal paragraph with the subject talking about what his lover meant to him, He was my north, my south. The poems use imagery differently. Being-in-love uses more physical images; he uses descriptions of eyes and lips your lips are so kissinspiring. Funeral Blues uses more hyperbolic metaphors, My working week and my Sunday rest and hyper clichi s I thought that love would last for ever. The difference in the uses of these images and metaphors in Funeral Blues are that the poem has a more sad and depressed feel to it, even though the poem is about love. When in Being-in-love, the speaker is sad because his love is not returned, but he still conveys a contented feeling, in the way that he is able to From reading both poems, I dont like Being-in-love because I personally didnt find the poem funny. The poem I think is supposed to be funny with the way the speaker has tried to make his poem rhyme. But I think you have to read the poem out load to be able to catch the rhyming part at the end, and you also have to have the accent that the poet has to make the end part of the poem rhyme. The poem also has only one argument and although initially the poem is amusing it doesnt have the sentimental feel that sticks in the mind like Funeral Blues. I personally prefer Funeral Blues. I feel it is because it is a more detailed poem and it is not how a normal love poem would have been written. The poem avoids sexuality and it is just purely about how much someone cared about his love. The poem is very emotional, it goes beyond physical presence, and the subject really does miss his love. I also like the way that Funeral Blues has the feeling of a Blues song, because the poem and a blues song have the feeling of deep sadness and they both stand as a kind of funeral oration.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Why do students order essays, and why does it save a lot of time
Most likely there was a period that you didnt have room schedule-wise to do your geology homework, you didnt comprehend your math or material science activities, or you would not like to do the science venture, and you chose to pay somebody to do it for you. Or then again perhaps you were the one that charged for doing the activity. Each students longing will free lodging all their exploration papers and homework done when they wake up. These days this can work out as expected, you merely require a PC or cell phone with web get to. Numerous sites offer these services at reasonable costs. The Internet is a Goliath world where you can see conspicuous written work services locales like where you can enlist a group of gifted journalists that can deal with any errand paying little mind to its review, point, and level of trouble. Among the written work, services are Essay Writing, Research Papers, Dissertation, Term Paper, Coursework, Case Studies, Book or Lab Reports, Thesis, and so forth. They have involvement in different fields and subjects, and they are prepared to cover any point you require. Students go to that or same sites since they dont have room schedule-wise to do this errands for some, reasons like individual issues, low maintenance work or because they have a bustling week at school or college. Having somebody that can do these undertakings for you is exceedingly helpful since it enables you to put that time in different exercises. These destinations have fondly qualified individuals equipped for composing on any given point inside relatively every field of the scholastic train. The general method for the utilization of the vast majority of these sites is exceedingly primary: the student transfers the task, the site tells the most qualified individuals to play out this task, and they quote the service; in the wake of achieving an understanding, the student pays for it and sit tight for the work to be finished. The state charges a 10% expense, and the rest goes to the individual who took the necessary steps. Costs rely upon the multifaceted nature of each assignment. Scholarly assignments are a crucial component in the learning cedure of most youngsters and adolescents, even though they are not generally exceptionally generally welcomed by students or even by a few guardians. Assignments are expected to enhance the learning obtained in the classroom. They are necessary for students since they help to make pensity for work, duty, train, exertion and they likewise enhance your memory limits. Albeit scholarly assignments are an extraordinary commitment to the academic advancement of students, it is essential that students likewise have enough available time to do recreation exercises. It is necessary and exceptionally prescribed to set up plans that are arranged by the requirements of every student. You ought to dependably attempt to do your assignments, yet if you are in a rush and need to spare time, you can go to one of these sites. On the off chance that you choose to contract one of these composition services it is essential that although you have not done the task, you should read it two or three times so you can find out about it and if your instructor makes inquiries, you can answer them adequately.
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